Learning how to relax is an important part of learning how to reduce stress and anxiety and sleep better. Here are 5 useful strategies to help you get a better night's sleep and reduce stress and anxiety. No one strategy works every time - it's important to try different techniques as we like change with most things and try to practice a couple so you get used to it and know how to do it without reading.
1. Diaphram letter "b" technique for stress
Start by holding in your stomach muscles tightly and breathing normally to help you focus inwardly. Place your hands on your tummy under your belly button.
As you gently breathe in, push your tummy out so it pushes against your hand imagining your tummy is the letter "b"
Hold the breath and then as you breathe out imagine your breath down your spine like the flat back part of the letter "b" while you pull your tummy back in and let go of the breath.
All you have to think about is your breath and the letter "b"
I use this one when I need time out even in traffic in the car but remember keep your eyes open!
2. Visualisation technique for stress and insomnia
Close your eyes and breathe normally
Imagine there is a warm safe fluid that is being released from the top of your head and is slowly working its way slowly, moving through your body.
As it moves slowly and steadily through your body, it is able to melt the tension and stress you are feeling in every part of your body.
Your body is able to feel more comfortable and relaxed.
The fluid eventually passes out through your toes leaving you feeling deeply relaxed.
3. Soothing technique for anxiety and insomnia
Breathe in a deep breath and hold for 6 seconds. When you get to 6 breathe out and say a word that you like for example peace, calm, quiet, warmth. Say your chosen word in a calm and soothing way.
Continue until you feel calm and in control again.
4. Tension release technique for stress and insomnia
Find the muscle which runs from your jaw to the middle of your ear lobe. Using just the tip of your index finger on both hands, place them on the muscle and apply a little pressure until you feel a light pain. Hold the pressure for 5-10 seconds and slowly release the pressure. Repeat up to 10 times.
5. Progressive muscle relation for anxiety, stress and insomnia
Make yourself comfortable in a chair straight backed and feet flat on the floor or lie down with your eyes closed on the floor. Think of tightening and releasing every muscle, letting go of the stress in every part of your body one by one. With your eyes tightly closed, raise your eyebrows and stretch the muscles in your forehead a few times, then start by opening your mouth and silently say a,e,i,o,u and repeat. Move your chin gently over to your shoulder and really feel the stretch and gently bring your chin back to centre then take to the other shoulder. Now take your neck directly back and open your mouth and hold the stretch. Push your shoulders down quite hard and feel the stretch in your neck, back and shoulder blades. Now grip and release your fingers really stretching and letting go. Squeeze our butt and release and now flex your feet towards you and away from you. Feel the difference of releasing muscle tension wile concentrating on regular breathing.
Hope this helps
Lifestylist Health & Wellness