Sleep can be elusive for some. Trying to switch off and wind down for bed can be difficult and according to sleep experts, four in 10 Australians are getting inadequate sleep.
But there are simple and easy ways you can improve your sleep and become a super sleeper and the first is:
1. Leave devices in another room - stay away from blue light as it interrupts circadian rhythms for 40 minutes after exposure
2. Stop binging Netflix - have the same wake up and sleep times every day. Your wake up time sets your body's cycle for the entire day so that at night, your sleep hormone melatonin helps cue you to sleep.
3. Breathe - try breathing in and out to the count of 4. Deep belly breathing soothes your parasympathetic nervous system and triggers drowsiness to send you into peaceful sleep.
4. Yoga - Harvard Research shows that doing a yoga sequence at bedtime can help people suffering with insomnia. After 8 weeks the study showed participants falling asleep faster and sleeping better than before. Cat pose, sun salutations is similar to moving meditations, which calms body and mind. Yoga also through breath relieves tension and stress.
5. White noise - try drowning out background noise like snoring or the morning garbage truck and traffic with white noise. There are lots of sound machines or use an old ipod so you don't use your phone next to your bed.
6. Exercise - Moving every day helps boost sleep. 3 hours of moderate intensity per week of exercise like biking, brisk walking, gym class or a jog is all you need for a good night's rest. Exercise calms by burning off stress hormones and exercising outside is even better for circadian rhythm.
7. Essential Oils - lavendar, chamomile, vanilla oils in a diffuser or spritzed on your pillow can help as certain soothing scents help you relax. Running a warm bath with oils can also be a relaxation trigger.
8. Read a book - don't binge it but a couple of chapters helps shift the brain and makes you tired. You can also write worries down in a book beside your bed to rid yourself of worrying all night and write reminders so they're not keeping you awake.
9. Eyemask - When you can't get a darker sleep environment, an eye mask can help to block street light, clocks and other light so that you signal the brain to sleep and not wake with light.
10. Eat light and keep cool - to help your waistline and your sleep, don't eat late night snacks that can trigger high blood pressure, acid reflux and heartburn. Alcohol will also make you wake later from dehydration after you enter sleep. And last but not least keep a cool room around 20 degrees celcius is best for optimal sleep.